About Us
Our feature float pods have been awarded #1 in consumer commercial isolation tanks.
We look forward to meeting you and introducing you to the benefits this spa offers.
Our Hours
Monday 2 pm – 7 pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday By Appointment Only
Thursday 12 pm – 7 pm
Friday 11 am – 8 pm
Saturday 10 am – 8 pm
Sunday 11 am – 7 pm
The Effect of the Salt

I found this hidden gem and I couldn’t be happier. I use their Hydro Massage chairs and I am more than happy with the results I get every time I use them. Shu-Chen and Dusty are incredible and they go out of their way to ensure your session meets and exceeds your expectations. I highly recommend you stop by for a visit and give their services a shot.
Mike Adams
Happy Customer

Floating in darkness allows areas of the brain which are always in use when awake to be liberated from their work. Tests have shown that there is a drop in electrical activity of the brain and you begin to generate theta brain waves, which are associated with deep relaxation. The darkness during floating also induces a balance between the left and right brain. There is a shift from the normally dormant left side of the brain (logical, analytical, rational) to the right side (intuition, mental clarity, and creativity).
For the first time both sides of the brain are in harmony and the balance creates allows you to use huge amounts of previously unavailable brainpower.
One of the major sources of stimulation in humans is the temperature gradient change on the surface of the body. The temperature inside the float tank is isothermal over the surface of the body so that the nerve endings covering the surface of the skin no longer perceive a separation between the skin and the solution inside the tank.
The flotation tank is soundproof. During floating, you may choose to wear earplugs, your ears are below the surface of the solution, which cuts out external sounds. Some people find that gentle music from underwater speakers helps them to relax.